Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Journey to Natural Hair Begins...

Post 1 of.....

When and why did you decide to go natural?
I have been thinking and periodically talking about going natural for more than a year. Probably, more than two (2) years, but I'd been too dependent on the creamy crack (relaxers) to do it.

However, today, actually yesterday, I made up my mind that my transition would start immediately. Last week, my FB friends gave me much insight, tools, and resources which helped confirm this feeling and this need I was having for natural hair.

So, yesterday I stopped by Natural Trendsetters Hair Salon ( for a free consultation and after looking through 30+ magazines, I found a transitional style and made an appointment for Tuesday morning. I went and bought the hair (big deal for me since I "hate" weave) and have been ecstatic since! I mean, uncontrollably excited!

This process means so much to me because it signifies another outer layer being peeled off to show the world and myself, the real me! I haven't seen my natural hair in more than 16 years. I was around 11 or 12 when I got my first perm. Wow! And as a woman who wants to be a mom soon, I figured I'd get rid of the chemicals in my body in every way I can before pregnancy. Plus, this will give me an opportunity to practice with natural hair. If I should have a girl, I don't want to use her as my guinea pig.

Were your friends and family supportive of your decision? If not, how were you able to move forward?
As I mentioned above, I got great support from so many girlfriends from middle school to college on Facebook. My close friends too have been super supportive, they always are!

My husband isn't as excited as I'd like him to be, but he's supporting my decision. However, he's been brainwashed to think that straight hair on black women is the only acceptable option, but I'll be changing his mind about that slowly but surely. =D

What is current hair routine?
My current hair consists of weekly washing and daily styling with curlers. I do wrap my hair at night w/ a silk tie, but there is always alot of breakage. I perm my hair every 6 to 8 weeks.

Based on the transitional style (pic on right) I've chosen, I'm looking forward to less daily maintenance.

What are your hair goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
My three (3) main goals are:
1. Healthy
2. Growth (I'd like it to be longer than shoulder length)
3. See photo below! I wan't to be able to do this with my hair.

<<<--- this is my goal natural do!

How do you protect your hair in cold and warm weather?

What is your definition of "Good Hair" ?
Healthy hair that you're happy with. All these years with a relaxer, I haven't been happy with my hair. I'm looking forward to truly enjoying my curls.

*These questions were used as a template from:* Visit the site, great info and very inspiring.

If you have a natural hair story, good or bad, please share it with me/us! I hope to hear from you soon. I'll be updated this blog along my way. Peace & Blessings!

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