Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today's Daily Word - Self Care!

Lately, I have been taking Self Care to a whole-nother level. I purposely have been putting my needs before anything else in my life and the outcome has been productive, loving, and calming. With much ease I've been able to attend to the housework, my husband's and family's needs, and get more done at work all while making sure I've taken care of me first! 

What does my new self-care routine of mine consist of? 15-45 minute morning meditation with Yoga if I have enough time, breakfast, mani/pedi regularly, Hot Yoga 2-4 times a week, and no (or little) coffee. How does this differ from my old self care routine? Well, before I didn't take the proper time out of my day for me. I did not purposely and consciously decide to use my morning to clear my mind in order to start my day off with peace, gratitude and fulfillment. I did not plan my time to ensure I could make it to a physical fitness class...I would go if I got could...but the reality is that I can always make time for the things that are important to me; so I have made time! I've made time during the day before work, during work hours, if and when needed and after work to make me a my priority.

I feel better, look better and I'm at my best!  =D
Joy-filled, grateful, Mia

Today's Daily Word
I take care of myself. I honor my needs.
Sometimes I may feel overwhelmed with the many responsibilities in my life. I may begin to feel sorry for myself or blame others for my situation. I know then it is time to reconnect with Spirit. I become quiet and listen to the still small voice within, guiding me in loving and caring for myself.
I take specific actions to ensure my health, my happiness and my peace of mind. I may say "no" to a request. I might take a nap or turn off the cell phone or take a solitary walk around the block. By providing the self-care I need, when I need it, I replenish my mind, body and soul. I can more easily achieve my goals, be present to the people around me and fully realize Spirit within me. I move into a higher state of consciousness and directly into feelings of love--for myself and others.
You are our glory and joy!--1 Thessalonians 2:20

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